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Shopping and Your Information

Order history

Want to view your order history? Great. First you need to log in to your account. Once you are in, click the link that says Completed orders on the left hand menu. Any orders you have made with this account will show up on screen.

Shopping cart

Have you lost track of your cart? It’s usually up in the top right hand corner of the page. Try scrolling up. If you still cannot find it, give us a call at 1-855-346-3423.

If you created a cart while you were logged in to your account, and then you were logged out for some reason, you will have to log back in. If you created a cart before you logged in your items should still show up in your cart.

Edit profile

If you need to update your contact information or change your password, you can easily do that by logging in to My Account and selecting Your account details. Make sure you click Update my details when you’re done.

If you want to change your address, go to Your address book in your account. Click Edit or delete.

To add a different address, click the link at the end of the sentence that says You can also add a new address.
